High Bmi / Plus Size Awake Liposuction: An Exciting Option

Before and after Awake Lipo results


Liposuction has historically been performed in clients with lower BMI’s  (BMI 21-30). As the success of liposuction increased clients with larger BMI’s underwent liposuction with very mixed results . Some  common problems encountered were:

Medical Problems:

Lung & Heart Disorders

Poorly Controlled Diabetes and Hypertension

Poor Pain Control

Aesthetic Challenges

-Excess Skin

-Not Enough Fat Removed

NO REAL improvement in the Body Silhoutte

Frankly, alot of money was spend without the shapely result which most plastic surgery clients expect. Therefore, the Plus size plastic surgery client is constantly forced to loss weight before plastic surgery and this is REALLY difficult.


 Dr. Lissa as a specialist in  plus size clients over the last 20 years began to focus on highlighting  the figure of her clients by combining  alot of liposuction with  abdominioplasty surgery. The result were excellent however a large group of clients were excluded because of a lack of downtime for a tummy tuck or the objection to the long tummy tuck scar.

Today awake liposuction as a staged procedure or alone can give high BMI clients great shapely results without the risk of general anesthesia or the long down time.  Awake Lipsuction allows the client to move during their pain free surgey and this positioning which allows Dr. Lissa to sculpture an hourglass figure at the very least. However the true result of large volume awake liposuction can always be determined preoperaitvely by Dr. Lissa.  How she does this we do not know but her artistic eye is able to create a realistic plan which has pleased thousands of clients and produced fabulous results. For more Before and After Photos vist our IG page @ DrLissa_theBodySnatcher. With a clean bill of health and a consult Dr. Lissa has treated clients with BMI’s as high as 47 with awake liposuction. and her proprietry novcaine like tumscent solution. Book a Complimentary Virtual Consult today!

By Lisa Bootstaylor, MD

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