Archive for Health

Woman in glasses talking on their cell phone

Tighten Your Skin This Year Without Surgery Using Thermage

As you age, your skin starts to lose much of its tightness. As a result, it begins to sag and develop lines and wrinkles. These are among the most common signs of aging, and they are also among the top reasons why people undergo skin tightening treatments. If you would like tighter skin but do […]

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Woman laying down in white underwear

Liposuction For Quick And Effective Fat Removal

Trying to lose weight is not easy. If you are reading this, you have likely gone through the daunting task that is dieting and exercise. People start and stop diets over and over again for years. The reason why they go through this constant cycle is that it is harder than it looks to limit […]

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Woman smiling

Kybella For Non-surgical Double Chin Removal

Many have gone the surgical route for getting rid of their double chin. While there’s no denying the benefits of procedures such as liposuction, it is still surgery, and many people simply aren’t ready for surgery. For those who would rather bypass the downtime and recovery of surgical procedures, Kybella® offers an effective alternative. Kybella® contains deoxycholic […]

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How do you know if you are a candidate for Rhinoplasty

Am I A Candidate For Rhinoplasty?

The human nose is the most prominent feature on the human face. For this reason, it is understandable that people feel frustrated if their nose is crooked, too small or too large for their face. Some people decide that they are just going to accept what nature gave them. They may not have a perfect […]

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Woman in red bikini top at the beach

Which Breast Implants Are Right For Me?

A lot of women define their breast augmentation goals according to their desired cup sizes. What you really want from this surgery, however, are breast implants that look and feel good in relation to the rest of your body. You also want to choose an implant type that supports your lifestyle and offers incredibly realistic results. Following […]

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Woman looking forward and smiling

Minimize The Appearance Of Wrinkles With Botox Cosmetic

If you’re an adult who is noticing visual signs of aging on the face, chances are you are primarily concerned with those smile lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines. These are small, dynamic wrinkles that form when certain facial expressions are made. Smiling, squinting and frowning results in the appearance of tiny creases. The skin […]

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Woman smiling and laughing

Restore Lost Facial Volume With Juvederm®

For many people, one of the most unpleasant aspects of the aging process is the tendency of the skin to lose volume, leading to the appearance of lines, wrinkles and folds. These signs of aging are normally most noticeable in the face. Fortunately, we live in an era of exciting advances in the field of […]

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Woman looking back over her shoulder

Look And Feel Rejuvenated After A Chemical Peel

When a person is young and their skin is healthy and fresh, they give very little concern to treatments that are designed to slow down aging. In fact, in their youthful exuberance, many people will get involved in things that negatively affect their skin. For example, they may spend prolonged periods of time in the […]

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Woman looking lively and smiling

Reduce And Reshape Your Breasts With A Breast Reduction

If you are not happy with your breasts, you are not alone. Many women are in the same boat. While most may feel that their bust is not big enough, you are dealing with the opposite problem. You have excessively large breasts that are too much of a burden to bear. They are wearing you […]

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Woman smiling

Seeking Plastic Surgery In Atlanta? Meet Dr. Lisa Bootstaylor!

It is understandable that a person may feel some trepidation about getting plastic surgery. In addition to the normal nervousness that comes with having surgery, there is the added uncertainty of how the procedure is going to affect your end appearance. What you need is a cosmetic surgeon who has the skill, the training, the […]

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Patient Resources

We’re here to help, with a number of patient resources designed to make your experience as comfortable as possible. Read through the materials below, and don’t hesitate to reach out and set up your consultation to learn more about what we can do for you.

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